Law firms need to show more of the personal side of their people.
Are you human or a legal machine? I am working with more and more lawyers who are seeing a greater take up in their legal services as...
Law firms need to show more of the personal side of their people.
I am allowed to shoot solicitors!
I met a hero called Nigel Owens Rugby referee!
Laughter and tears, how to build a better team.
How to tell the story of a business through photography.
How does photography help?
Increasing all parts of your business
Are you empathic?
Does your line manager have good leadership?
every little thing you do is magic, employee recognition is magic!
You are more than just a number, you are valued!
What does team building mean in your business mean to you?
Are your employees visible at work?
Could better employee recognition and engagement get you a pay rise?